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Calling all Condos in Steamboat past, current and future guests are you up for our winter challenge?

Posted by Kim Filler

Kid_Launches_t640A century ago a tradition began in Steamboat that has morphed into something so special no local would choose to miss. The Winter Carnival run by Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club evolved as a fun way to break seasonal blues. Today it marks the beginning of “Blue’s Break” a week -long school vacation that begins with a bang, literally. In anticipation for next weekend’s snowy fun and frivolity Condos in Steamboat is having a countdown. Over the next 7 days test your knowledge on Steamboat winter trivia.  Questions are posted on Facebook and followed up by the answer the next day here on the Blog.


1. How did the Gondola earn the nickname the silver bullet? 

Back in the 80’s previous Steamboat ski area President, Hans Geier commissioned a first of its kind 8 person gondola. After it had been constructed a series of load tests to ensure everything was working correctly needed to be carried out. The obvious choice for a Colorado ski resort was cases of Coors Silver Bullet beer of course. The cars were filled with beer, the tests successfully completed, and the gondola earned a new nickname.


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